A crowd of members of the public working together in a busy room

A Proven Model

No approach is more effective at giving those facing social issues the power to create the solutions they need.

The Public Life Model

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Public Facilitation

A unique process that recruits members of the public as facilitators without asking for a single CV and pays them for their time.

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Community Mobilisation

A training and support programme that equips public facilitators to engage hundreds and thousands in their communities.

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Rigorous Innovation

A five-phase process that supports the public to collaboratively invent impactful and rigorously tested new solutions from scratch.

Funder Collaboration

A model that brings funder organisations alongside the public, with them involved throughout and ready to invest in credible ideas.

"The principles should be taken as transformational trends for the future of community development."

Independent University Evaluation

A uniquely impactful approach

An independent university evaluation of the last programme using the model found in the first year alone it generated a social return of £6.26 for every £1 invested.

Life-changing experiences for participants
Enhanced employability:
67% graduated into better jobs
Greater connection:
60% average increase in networks
Positive experience: 100% retention with 76% rating it either 9 or 10 out of 10

Stronger reputation, trust and engagement for organisations
Public engagement: Over 5,000 engaged, half in person
Stakeholder engagement:
46 organisations engaged, 76% for the first time
Reputation and profile: 50 media articles including BBC and ITV News

Sustainable, impactful and low cost public-led solutions
Impactful ideas: £668,000 social impact of idea pilots on programme
Sustainable solutions:
100% of programme ideas secured funding and spun out as their own public-led organisations

Programmes using the model deliver low-cost solutions to significant public problems.
Trusted is the UK’s first peer to peer money confidence programme. 10 pilot participants jointly saved £43,876 in six weeks. Trusted is now an award nominated business running programmes that save participants thousands. Their goal is to scale nationwide.
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Invisible Creations
Invisible Creations are beautiful dual purpose adaptations that challenge the assumption that grab rails need to be ugly and stigmatising. They have won multiple awards and are now in homes up and down the country.
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Kinder Minds
Kinder Minds prevents mental health issues by building a community of support through mindful activities. 73% of pilot participants reported improved mood after one session. It is now a permanent community space welcoming 150 through its doors each week.
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Building Better
Building Better is an alliance of 30 housing providers with 260,000 homes working together to driving up the quality and sustainability of social housing through modern construction methods. 5,800 homes are currently being delivered through their framework.
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